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Join Us - Give and Gain!

Sokoto House offers a unique opportunity for anyone interested in real personal growth, discovery, and enrichment through participation. Taking part in events and initiatives, volunteering for projects and programs, or just having open and sincere conversations with leaders, community members, and even fellow volunteers can be a profound learning experience for all involved and personally transformative.

Some of the benefits participants and volunteers can experience include:

  • Cultural awareness
  • Healing
  • Self-discovery
  • Elevation of emotional intelligence
  • Sense of community
  • Personal fulfillment

All it takes is a brave first step. Come drop in for a chat, join us for any event, and/or inquire about ways you can volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities

Through helping the Sokoto House, you help the community it serves. There are many ways to volunteer. Just a few examples are shown here, but we are always open to new ideas if you have other skills/resources that you think may be of use.

Contact us if you would like to volunteer. We can find a role for anyone!

Community Garden

Garden work

Do you enjoy working with earth and plants? The community garden on the grounds is in need of tending. We can also use a liaison who can recruit and organize volunteer gardeners to maintain the garden.

Is rough carpentry more your speed? The garden needs raised planting beds. Construct wood beds to help expand the garden's capacity!

Building Improvements

Building improvements

Efforts to renovate and improve the Sokoto House building and grounds are ongoing on multiple fronts. Currently, volunteers are needed to help create a welcoming outdoor seating area and assist with general cleanup of the lot.



An important part of our mission is youth and young adult development and creating opportunities. Through mentorships, you can provide guidance and a meaningful impact on lives by sharing your knowledge, skills, and humanity as a consultant, counselor, and cheerleader.



Direct contact with individuals is a vital part of community awareness, needs identification, and grassroots efforts. Whether it's for voter registration drives or the gathering of community health data, canvassers play the key role and are always welcome.

Teaching Social Soft Skills


People of all ages sometimes need help learning to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Help teach "soft skills," social and communication skills and social and emotional intelligence, that are vital to successfully working with others and achieving goals.

Sokoto House is also home to Advance Youth Outreach and Quality Life Blueprint. Click or tap the address below for a map.

Site design & all content © 2025 Sokoto House